TOP NEWS: Union-Busting Starbucks CEO Got $940,000,000 Richer During Pandemic


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August 31, 2022
Top News

Covid patient
Pandemic, Profit-Driven Healthcare System Blamed for Historic Decline in US Life Expectancy
On average, Americans are expected to live nearly three fewer years than they were in 2019.
by Julia Conley

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz speaks during an event
Behind Starbucks Union-Busting Stands CEO Who Got $940,000,000 Richer During Pandemic
"His personal pandemic wealth gains of $940 million alone could pay for a $3,847 bonus for every Starbucks worker," notes a new report.
by Jake Johnson

Classified documents are pictured on the floor of Trump's Florida home
DOJ Releases Photo of 'Top Secret' Documents Seized From Trump's Home
In a new filing, the Justice Department says Trump's team likely tried to obstruct a probe into the former president's removal of classified documents from the White House.
by Jake Johnson
More Top News
• Experts Fear Repeat of Covid Failures as US Hoards 80% of Monkeypox Vaccines
• Amid Pakistan Wreckage, UN Chief Warns Against 'Sleepwalking Toward' Planetary 'Destruction'
• Mikhail Gorbachev, Who Presided Over End of Cold War and Soviet Empire, Dead at 91
• Heatwave 'Supercharged' by Climate Crisis Poised to Intensify Fires in US West
• 'Simply Immoral': Leaked Doc Shows UK Energy Giants to Make £170 Billion in Excess Profits
• GOP Attacks on Social Security Makes Popular Program Key Midterm Issue
• Outrage After Ohio Cop Kills Unarmed Black Man Donovan Lewis in Bed

Calling the GOP Semi-Fascist Is Half Right
We are well beyond the first two phases. We flirted with the third and fourth during Trump’s first term, but our democratic institutions—weak and tattered as they are—were able to resist.
by Bill Blum

My Country Is Drowning. Here's What You Can Do Right Now for Pakistan
In the past two weeks, Pakistan experienced cataclysmic floods triggered by unprecedented monsoon and glacial melting, killing over a thousand people and many more injured, destroying hundreds of thousands of homes and millions of acres of crops, and causing billions of dollars in damage.
by Anam Rathor

The Missing 'Peace' in $13.5 Billion of Military Aid to Ukraine
We cannot call for peace in Ukraine while simultaneously supplying that country with advanced rocket systems and missiles that could lead to a direct war between the US and Russia, the world's most heavily armed nuclear nations.
by Marcy Winograd

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