"The Democratic Party, by not allowing this resolution to come to the floor, is complicit in the railroading of democracy itself," said former Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner.
"We can listen to the fossil fuel industry and the politicians they pay," said the Vermont senator, "or we can listen to the scientists and the environmental community to reject this side deal."
"Republicans and their corporate interest backers have imposed state laws with only one goal: destroy unions and discourage workers from organizing," said the Massachusetts Democrat.
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Brazil's descent into authoritarianism has implications that extend far beyond the country's borders, not least because of the Amazon's critical importance to the future of the planet.
It's O ur D emocracy! Today's Top Stories: Lindsey Graham told police officers they should have shot pro-Trump insurrectionists "in the head" on Jan. 6 Speaking with officers four months after the disgraced ex-president's failed insurrection, the whiplash-flip-flopping Republican said, "You guys should have shot them all in the head. We gave you guys guns, and you should have used them. I don’t understand why that didn’t happen.” Take Action: Demand the Senate reject Lindsey Graham’s national abortion ban! VIDEO OF THE DAY: Late-night bombshell tanks Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign Another abortion-related scandal engulfed the hypocritical Republican just days after the GOP doubled down on their laughably awful choice to take on incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock next month. Take Action: Demand Congress pass the Respect for Marriage Act! Richard Ojeda reacts to Dr. Oz's speech in front of Hitler's car No Dem Left Behind: This disgustin...
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