Capitol cop reveals Lindsey Graham's Trumper betrayal


OD Action:

It's Our Democracy!

Demand the Justice Department investigate the cops who killed an Amber Alert teenager!

Today's Top Stories:

Lindsey Graham told police officers they should have shot pro-Trump insurrectionists "in the head" on Jan. 6

Speaking with officers four months after the disgraced ex-president's failed insurrection, the whiplash-flip-flopping Republican said, "You guys should have shot them all in the head. We gave you guys guns, and you should have used them. I don’t understand why that didn’t happen.”

Take Action: Demand the Senate reject Lindsey Graham’s national abortion ban!

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Late-night bombshell tanks Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign

Another abortion-related scandal engulfed the hypocritical Republican just days after the GOP doubled down on their laughably awful choice to take on incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock next month.

Take Action: Demand Congress pass the Respect for Marriage Act!

Richard Ojeda reacts to Dr. Oz's speech in front of Hitler's car

No Dem Left Behind: This disgusting, fascist, anti-American MAGA-Republican movement must be stopped in it's tracks NOW!

Uvalde school district suspends entire police force amid fallout from shooting
After weeks of protest from furious parents who lost their children while police dithered outside a massacre for over an hour, the district has finally taken action against those responsible for letting so many innocent kids die.

State abortion bans are preventing cancer patients from getting chemotherapy
A six-week abortion ban in Ohio has forced people with cancer to travel out of state for abortions that are necessary to continue with life-saving treatment, underscoring how disastrous Republican healthcare policies have upended patients’ lives and limited doctors’ abilities to provide essential medical treatments.

Take Action: Tell "Dank Brandon" to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level!

Herschel Walker fires his campaign director after disastrous week

Everyone knows the key to running a good campaign is self-decapitation a month before the election. Going well!

Take Action: Demand corporations stop donating to insurrectionist politicians!

Cop car hits pedestrians during Bronx pursuit, leaving 10 injured
A mother and her two-year-old child are among the seriously injured after a police officer lost control of his vehicle while racing to stop a property crime. Did you know police chases kill more people every year than hurricanes, tornadoes, and lightning combined?

Civil war erupts between Trump and Republicans

No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen: Things just got bad within the GOP.

Dr. Oz holds fundraiser in front of one of Hitler's cars
In today's edition of Nazi Dogwhistle or Just Exceptionally Obtuse? the embattled GOP nominee for Pennsylvania's Senate seat courted California's elites next to a car formerly owned by Adolf Hitler.

Jackson, Mississippi garbage collection to "cease" indefinitely, putting 150,000 residents at risk
The ongoing budget mess in Jackson, Mississippi, is now set to add a garbage catastrophe to the already-devastating water crisis afflicting the majority Black town. Isn't privatization of public services wonderful?

Elon Musk's Starlink communications network fails as Ukraine stages critical counteroffensive against Russian invaders
Ukrainian troops have reported outages of their Starlink communication devices on the frontline, hindering efforts to liberate territory from Russian forces.

San Antonio police officer fired after shooting teen in McDonald's parking lot
A rookie police officer has lost his job after approaching the wrong car, ordering the confused teenager to get out, opening fire, and then lying about the critically injured kid trying to hit him with his car. Seems like all those millions we spend on police training is really working out great.


Good grief

All around the world


PS — Please don't forget to sign the petition demanding the Justice Department investigate the cops who killed an Amber Alert teenager, and be sure to follow OD Action on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

   @advocacy | 1002 Hull St., Louisville, KY 40204


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